Biblical, Sacramental, Spirit-led, Gospel-centred
This can be an introduction to your church, your mission and vision, your central message and focus, or whatever you want a first time visitor to be assured of right at the beginning. We'd recommend you keep it warm and inviting and not too long. You can give more details later in other pages.
Remember, most people who will now consider visiting your church will look at your website first and this page will be the first (and maybe only) impression they get of your church.

Who is our church for?
This can be more information about your church or about who is welcome at your church. It's amazing how many people aren't sure if they know the right things, look the right way, or have lived a good enough life to come to church. Often it's valuable to clarify really early on website who are welcome.

Worship Services

Community Groups


Meet Our Leadership Team
This can be an introduction to your leadership team. It can link to a more detailed page with your pastors and leaders names and bios.
Remember, most people who will now consider visiting your church will look at your website first and this page will be the first (and maybe only) impression they get of your church.

News & Updates
We have a new sermon series in the works that will be launching next month. We’re calling it “Living Stones” as we explore 1 Peter together. If you want to get ready read it together as a family over the next couple weeks and get excited!
We have a new community group launching. If you’re in the north end and aren’t already in a group this might be for you. Contact us for more details!