A ministry of Hunt Media Resources™

Come Worship with Us

Every Sunday we gather and you're invited.
It's all about praising God through music, prayer, learning 
from the Bible and good community. Come try it out!

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Join us midweek

We have lots of groups and events through the week meeting in homes and coffee shops and other places around our community. Come and join us sometime!


Welcome to Grace

This can be an introduction to your church, your mission and vision, your central message and focus, or whatever you want a first time visitor to be assured of right at the beginning. We'd recommend you keep it warm and inviting and not too long. You can give more details later in other pages.

Remember, most people who will now consider visiting your church will look at your website first and this page will be the first (and maybe only) impression they get of your church.

Latest Sermon

Watch our latest Sunday sermon.

News & Updates

Stay up to date with important church news.

Contact Us

123 Main St. Burlington, On
Tel: 701-946-7464

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